June Update
Fathers’ Day: Today we honour the fatherly figures in our lives. Those who are constantly there to guide and support us on our journey through life, encourage us to pursue our dreams and aspirations, motivate us to return to Our Father and His Church. Let us use this opportunity to acknowledge and reflect on all the people in our lives who have “fathered” us in various ways, especially those who have introduced us to Jesus and welcomed us into the church.
Patronal Festival: Thank you to everyone who have made last Sunday’s parish lunch such a success.
Church Volunteers: As advertised last week, there are four sheets at the back of church for sidespeople, readers, church cleaners and tea/coffee monitors. We need more volunteers to take on some of these jobs, so please add your names to the list.
Betty’s marmalade: Fresh batch of marmalade at the back of the church. Thank you Betty for your hard work!
Saturday coffee morning: Thank you to everyone who is supporting the coffee mornings. The weather is slowly getting better so please make an effort to join us on Saturday morning.
Easter Services
- 2nd April: PALM SUNDAY 11:15AM
- 7th April: GOOD FRIDAY 3PM
- 8th April: EASTER VIGIL 6PM
- 9th April: EASTER SUNDAY 11:15AM
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Easter Lilies
If you would like to remember a family member at Easter, please print their name on the sheet at the back of church.
£2 per lily, please give the money to KW; we will not accept names or money after 3rd April.
Easter 2020
Easter Sunday
Celebrate the Saviour!
May this day, bring hope and blessings to you and your family,
with love from all at St. Albans

Holy Saturday
Help me, Dear Lord, to Enter into the sorrow and the silence of this Holy Saturday. Today no sacraments are celebrated.
Today the world waits in mourning in anticipation of the glory of new life!
Good Friday
We have one, who also was broken in ways we could never comprehend, yet he remained strong and chose to endure it all – for us.
He extends grace to remind us we don’t have to stay stuck in our struggle and pain. He holds good in store through it all, able to bring greater purpose, beauty and strength. He never intends for us to remain in the pit of our despair – for He breathes fresh life.
The power of the Resurrection gives hope for our future.
Maundy Thursday
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. John 13;34
We have already become ‘a different sort of church’ in unprecedented ways. The very place in which the body of Christ finds its identity, offers prayer, and receives solace in time of crisis—that is, the church building—is not available to us. The present situation does not negate the joy we have been granted in the resurrection, but it will be lived out this year in different ways.
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2018
Patronal Festival: this year’s Patronal Festival will be on Sunday 24th June. The cost is £15 (children £10). Please sign up with Gwen. Please pay immediately for your place to be confirmed. The list is now open to extra guests.
St Albans’ Singers: the next concert, entitled ‘The London I Love’, will be held at 7.30pm on Saturday 7th July.
Walsingham 2018: the weekend of Friday 31st August to Sunday 2nd September in 2018. Places are still available.
The Most Holy Trinity 2018
Fr Stuart: thanks you for your kind expressions of sympathy following the death of his father. The funeral will take place in Yorkshire on either 1st or 8th June. Your continued prayers are much appreciated.
This Sunday and next Sunday: Fr Reg Bushau SSC will be our Preacher and Celebrant. Our old friend Alan Littell will substitute for Charles on the organ. Many thanks to them both for their help.
Easter Sunday 2018
May this joyous day, bring hope and blessings to you and your family,
with love from all at St. Albans
Palm Sunday 2018
Today: we leave church in silence; except for those attending the PCC meeting.
PCC: meets after Mass to receive and approve the 2017 accounts.
St Alban’s Singers: many thanks to Charles, John, Nadia and Gwen for their musical and culinary efforts to make last Saturday’s concert such a successful and enjoyable occasion.